Why Everyone Should Use Tim Holtz Distressing Inks

I like many individuals was a little confused about how Tim Holtz distressing inks really worked.  I've seen and heard many projects that use these type of inks but never used them for myself until I created some beautiful gift tags for Christmas last year.  Since that time I have fallen in love with the distressing Inks and all the wonderful things that you can do with them.

Tim Holtz Makes it Easy to Organize

If you are like me your craft room gets a little cluttered from time to time.  It's hard to keep everything in order when you are constantly trying to find colors, sizes, patterns, etc.  Tim Holtz ink pads can be easily stacked one on top of the other with their convenient square containers.  Tim Holtz makes it even easier with the printable label sheets he has available that can be placed on the side of your distressing inks. That way you can locate a color and style of ink the moment you need it without moving each ink to find the one you need.

Tim Holtz Makes Creating Crafts Easier

One of my very favorite things I love about Tim Holtz is how easy he makes it to use his products.  Online he offers tutorials and classes on how to use his products.  He also offers free printable technique labels that make crafting so much easier.  One of my very favorite printable that he offers is the ink color sheet.  It's a sheet of paper that has a sample of every single ink color on it.  That way whenever I'm working on a project I can pull out my ink color sheet and find just what I need.

Tim Holtz Has a Wide Range of Products

It doesn't matter whether you are into distressing inks, markers or paints, there are a lot of options to choose from when you are creating with the Tim Holtz line.  Recently I discovered a website that sells Tim Holtz products offered at discount prices.  I go to https://www.craftdirect.com/supplies/inks/tim-holtz.html every time I need new products for my craft projects because let's face it, I'm a crafter on a budget!!

You Can Create a Variety of Projects with Tim Holtz

It's so hard to decide what my favorite Tim Holtz project is.  His unique set of products make it easy to create a variety of items.  Here are some great projects you can work on.

  • Gift Tags
  • Homemade Cards
  • Home Decor
  • Scrapbook Pages
  • Bookmarks
  • And so Much More!!

If you want to learn more about Tim Holtz line of products start with something simple and work from there.  You can watch the dozens of tutorials online and learn the best way to create with these products.  Once you discover just how easy and fun they are to create with you will wonder why you waited this many years to use them.  Discover what fun you can have with Tim Holtz products on your projects today.



The Crafty Chick