The Best Way to Scrapbook

Scrapbooking is a lot of fun, but lets face it, it’s also a lot of work!  I recently got back from a trip to Disneyland with my family.  One of my sisters had never taken her kids there before.   It was such a magical experience and one that should never be forgotten.  As a gift for Christmas this year, i’ve been putting together a book to give to her family.  I can’t wait to see the look on her kids faces when they see it.


With Christmas and the Holidays being as busy as they are I’ve come up with an easy method for scrapbooking that has actually worked rather well.  I wish I would have discovered this method years ago, I probably would have created a lot more scrapbooks than I have over the years had I implemented this process.


Today I’ve put together some tips on how to make time for scrapbooking in your busy life.


Get Organized-It sounds so simple but really can make all the difference.  Nothing is worse than trying to find scrapbook supplies in a messy craft room.  If your room is organized you won’t waste time looking for an item that is lost.


Have Extra Products on Hand- This is another important step.  If you stock up on supplies when they go on sale it’s much easier to spend a few minutes here or there to scrapbook because you have all the supplies you need.  There is nothing I hate more than having to run to the store between creating scrapbook pages.


Use User Friendly Scrapbook Supplies-I cannot stress this step enough!! Over the years scrapbook manufactures have created scrapbook supplies to make your life easier.  One of my very favorite supplies is the Simple Stories Sn@p pages at  If you haven’t heard of them, they are pages pre designed to slide into your scrapbook without any cutting, gluing, etc.  Can I say easy?? I seriously love the convenience of them.  There are so many great supplies like this one in the scrapbook world today, be sure that you are using them.


Scrapbook A Couple Minutes a Day-If you are like most people it’s hard to find a large amount of time in a busy day to scrapbook.  If you just sit down and create one page a day whenever you have an extra minute or two it will not only make your scrapbooking more fun, but won’t be as much of a burden.

Since I started following the tips above my scrapbooking has seriously gotten way easier.  I now look forward to the time I get to spend documenting some of my favorite memories.  Thanks to  these great tips I will have a photo album done in time for my sister and her family.  I’m sure it will be a gift they will cherish for many years to come!



The Crafty Chick