How to Refinish an Old Kitchen Table

A while back my sister gave me her old black kitchen table.  This table was in great condition & could sit up to 8 people.  It fit perfectly in my dining room & was very durable.  There was only one problem with it.  The table was black.  At this time I was in the process of changing all the decorations in my home & was trying to change all my furniture from black to other various colors.  I decided why not give the kitchen table a try.


Before beginning the table transformation you will need a few important supplies to help you in  the process.   You will need:

  • Sander
  • Sanding Paper
  • Paint
  • Paint Brush
  • Glaze


Once you have all the tools you need you can begin the process.  Take your table and sand every corner & crevice perfectly.  You want to sand all the paint off and make sure it's nice and smooth.  Sometimes this process can take a little while but is so important.


Once you have your table all sanded you can then begin painting.  Take a tiny sample of your paint and in a conspicuous spot paint the table to see what your color will look like.  If it is how you envisioned it, keep painting.  Once you have painted one layer, let your paint dry & then paint another layer on.  Continue that process until you have the paint color that you are going for.  If you are having a hard time with your painting, I found this website to be very helpful,


Once your table is all painted and dried it's time to add a glaze(if you want)  use a rag to rub your glaze on in the areas which you want it applied.  Use another rag to wipe of any extra glaze off that is too thick.

Add Shine

If you want your table to shine you can add a layer of lacquer finish on it to really make it pop.  This will put the finishing touch on your table & totally make it stand out.

The Finished Product

Once you have completed your table you can just sit and enjoy your work.  I absolutely loved the  way my kitchen table turned out and can't wait to transform more of my furniture.


The Crafty Chick