How to Organize Your Craft Room

Almost every craft enthusiast out there can tell you that one of the very hardest projects to work on is keeping their craft room clean and organized.  I know with me I have a hard time keeping mine organized because I am always pulling a million things out when working on a project and by the time I finish the last thing I want to do is put it all away.  It drives my husband nuts how messy my craft room can actually get.  At the beginning of this year I made a goal to keep my craft room clean.  Doing so has been easier than I thought thanks to the help of some organizational tips I received from a friend.  Today I'm going to share some of those tips with you to help you get your craft room organized.

Use Storage Bins & Totes

I cannot stress this enough.  Before I even began my organization process I went out and purchased some Cropper Hopper storage supplies from  If you have never heard of these storage containers before you must because they are amazing.  They have everything from a Ribbon Carousel to Picture Organizers.  I pretty much purchased every storage item I could find.  This not only made it easier to get organized, but it helped me to get excited about it too.  I couldn't wait to use my new products. They stored easily in the closet and made things look nice and clean.


Need I say more?? Labeling is so important.  I've found that the majority of the messes in my craft room could be prevented if I had properly labeled my products.  Labeling your craft supplies saves you hours of time ripping apart your room looking for a particular item.

Organize One Item at a Time

If you go into your craft room it can get overwhelming if you look at the entire room as a whole.  When I began getting my craft room organized I started with one section at a time.  I first organized all my ribbon, got rid of stuff I wouldn't be using & moved on from there.  It really made the process so much easier & less overwhelming.

Put Items Away When You are Done Using Them

Now that my craft room is completely organized it makes it easier to keep it clean and put things away.  Every time I take out stuff for a new project I make a special effort to put it away the moment I am done with it.  This keeps things looking nice as well as makes it easier to find stuff when I need it.

I'm seriously so glad I decided to get my craft room organized.  It has actually made me want to spend more time in there & has been a lot of fun.  Getting your craft room organized is a very easy process and by following the simple steps above you can have a neat and tidy craft room in absolutely no time at all.


The Crafty Chick