How to Make a Decorative Letter For Your Home

Decorating with initials is very popular right now.  You find last name initials on wreaths, picture frames & even walls.  My latest project was a letter that I designed for my friend with her last name initials.  Not only was it extremely easy to create but it turned out super cute.  Here is the tutorial on how to create a decorative letter of your very own for your home.

What You Will Need to Complete the Project:


  • 2 Different Colors of Paint(Whatever Colors You Desire)
  • Painters Tape
  • A Wooden Initial
  • Embellishments
  • Sander
  • Sponge Brush

How to Create the Project:

To begin, take your wooden initial and sand it until it is nice and smooth.  Be sure to dust off any excess dust so you don’t get little slivers in your paint.

After your letter is completely smooth take your painters tape and tape your letter exactly how you want your design to look.

Once your letter is taped off, take your paint and brush and carefully design your letter.  I painted my stripes every other one with two different colors, but you can seriously do whatever you want, the options are unlimited!!

Wait at least a couple of hours for your paint to completely dry.  Once dried you can add ribbon or any type of embellishment to your letter that you would like to.  I added a cute flower that matched the decor in my friends home perfectly.

With Christmas coming up, these decorative initials would be the perfect gift to give to friends and family members, they work great on wreaths and make great Holiday decorations.  Have fun & get creative!

I would love to see some of your designs after they are finished.  Feel free to email them to me, I would even be happy to post them if you want to share!



The Crafty Chick