How to Eat Healthy During the Summertime

If you are anything like me you are on the go all the time during the hot summer months.  Because this time of year is so busy it’s easy to eat food that is unhealthy for you because it’s so much more convenient.  Today I have come up with some tips for my blog post on how to help you stay and eat healthy during the summer months even when it’s difficult to do at times.

Plant a Garden-A lot of people hate planting gardens because they feel it is a lot of work.  These individuals however couldn’t be more wrong.  One of my favorite things about summer is having a garden to eat from.  Once you get your food planted in the springtime the hardest part about having a garden is remembering to water it.  Once your garden starts to produce food you can easily go outside and pick whatever you would like, saving you a trip to the grocery store, and forcing you to eat healthy.

Pack Your Own Food-Almost everyday during the summer we are at the pool, the local splash pad or reservoir.  Because we are on the go so much I try and pack a healthy lunch to eat while we are out playing in the water.  I know if I don’t we will end up eating Pizza or getting Chicken Nuggets and Fries somewhere.  When you pack your own food you can plan what type of food you will be eating.

Plan Ahead-This step is huge!!  When I don’t plan ahead by making a list and going to the store for all the items I need I find that I eat much more unhealthy.  If you organize your life by making a healthy grocery list and making sure your fridge and pantry are stocked you are more likely to grab a healthy item of food on your way out the door.

Eating healthy to me is really important.  Even during the summer months I like to make sure I am doing everything I can to keep my image.  By following my simple tips above you too can enjoy the summer months while staying healthy.

For some healthy recipe ideas check out



The Crafty Chick